when to sow alfalfa

It is best to sow alfalfa in spring and early summer, and it is strongly not recommended to do so later than the second decade of August. Due to the considerable hardness of alfalfa seeds, they are scarified before sowing, i.e. the hard shell is mechanically injured.

When can alfalfa be sown in the fall?

Recommended dates for sowing alfalfa during this period are March 10-20. The plant is resistant to cold and frost. In other cases, it is better to sow the seeds in early May.

How long does alfalfa take to germinate?

Depending on the temperature, alfalfa germinates within 5 to 19 days, respectively, the warmer the temperature, the faster. The first mowing can be done 60 to 70 days after the start of the spring growing season. Regrowth between mowings is 30-40 days, you can make 3 full mowings per season, and 5 if irrigated. Up to 7 cycles are suitable for grazing.

How to sow alfalfa by hand?

Good results are obtained when sowing alfalfa for seeds mixed with millet. Such a mixture is usually sown in the normal sowing period for millet, using the period before sowing millet to clear the soil of weeds by cultivating. The sowing method is a two-line belt sowing.